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This paper presents a PXI based measurement platform for a environmental factors measurement based on virtual instrumentation. Three analog channels of data acquisition PXI module are used to. Software and Drivers: USB Instrument Driver Setup v6.7.0.4 for cables: Software and Drivers: vNet and Digi Device Driver v1.0.6: Software and Drivers: Software Loader for FS11 and FS11P: Software and Drivers: USB Logger Cable Drivers: Software and Drivers: Software and Drivers. Middle East Vaisala Oyj Single Business Tower, 9th Floor Office No. 906 Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Vaisala KK Nagoya Office GS Sakae Bldg 3F 5-26-39 Sakae, Naka-ku, Nagoya-shi. Introduction to the HMT130 The Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Transmitter Series HMT130 measures relative humidity and temperature and outputs the measurements to voltage outputs and RS-485. Other quantities, such as dewpoint (Td) can be calculated from the basic RH and T values according to the device configuration.

Part of the goal of sMAP is to foster a community support open dataaquisition of many different devices. This page has a partial list ofdrivers distributed with sMAP as part of the smap.drivers package.

Unless otherwise specified, arguments without a default value are required.

Generic Drivers¶


Module: smap.drivers.xml.XMLDriver

Communications: XML over file, http, or python loader

Data: whatever is exposed through the XSLT transform

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
UriURI to load: supported schemes are http, https, file, and python
RatePolling frequency (seconds)30
XsltXSLT transformation to apply to document to convert it to sMAP-XML
Timeformatpython strptime string used to parse the time in the document.%s
Timezonezone code for the data; the timeformat will be parsed as if it is a local timestamp in this zone.UTC

XSLT is a way of applying a declarative transformation to XML documents. Sometimes you can use that to very easily convert existing XML data into sMAP feeds. There are a few sample XSLT transformation available in trunk/xslt:

greenbutton.xslTransformation for US GreenButton data packed inside of Atom(
obvius.xslGeneric transformation for Obvius Aquisuite XML data
ted5000.xslTransform for the Ted 5000 which exports all channels

Expression Driver¶

Module: smap.drivers.expr.ExprDriver

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
ExpressionAn operator expression to compute
RestrictAn ArdQuery where-clause restricting the set of input streams
GroupA tagname specifying how streams are groups when passed into operators

The expression driver is a way to compute ArdQuery operator expressions over new data. This gives you a way to create new “virtual” sMAP streams based on other data. The driver will create streams corresponding to the output of the query

As new data arrives, it will be pushed through the expression and published as a new sMAP feed. To avoid circularity, it’s a good idea to make _Restrict_ include at least hasPathandnothasMetadata/Extra/Operator.

Electric Meters¶

Dent PowerScout 18¶

Module: smap.drivers.dent.Dent18

Communications: Modbus over TCP

Data: 6 three-phase electric meters

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
AddressHostname of device (or Modbus/IP gateway)
ModbusBaseDevice modbus address1
RatePolling frequency (seconds)20

Veris E30 Panel Meter¶

Module : smap.drivers.veris.VerisDriver

Communications: Modbus over TCP

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Data: 42 single-phase power and energy measurements

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
AddressHostname of device (or Modbus/IP gateway)
BusIDDevice modbus address1
PeriodPolling frequency (seconds)30

Power Standards Lab pQube¶

Module : smap.drivers.pqube.PQubeModbus

Communications: Modbus/TCP

Data: Three phase energy, power, and quality measurements

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
AddressHostname of device (or Modbus/IP gateway)
SlaveAddressDevice modbus address1
BaseRegisterBase register to start reading at7000
RatePolling frequency (seconds)30

TED 5000¶

Module : smap.drivers.ted.Ted5000Driver

Communications: HTTP/XML

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
AddressURL of device data page
TimezoneLocal timezone of deviceAmerica/Los_Angeles
RatePolling frequency (seconds)60

UC Berkeley ACme X2¶

Module : smap.drivers.acmex2.acmex2.ACmeX2Driver

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Communications: Proprietary UDP

Data: Per-device energy and power data.

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
PortLocal IPv6 port to listen on702

Obvius Aquisuite¶

Module : smap.drivers.obvius.Driver

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Communications: Proprietary XML

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
UrlURL to download from. Set to the link returned by the XML download link on the obvius page (e.g.
UsernameHTTP username to authenticate as
PasswordHTTP password
PeriodPolling frequency (seconds)30
ObviusTypeType of device represented by the xml (see below)

Device maps are stored in smap.drivers.obvius.sensordb. These map the somewhat opaque mappings present in the Aquisuite XML to nicer sMAP names. You can pick one from device type on the Aquisuite Page. Current mappings are:

Power Measurement ION 6200
Power Measurement ION 7300
Power Measurement ION 7330
Shark 100
Continental Control Systems LLC, WattNode MODBUS
Dent Power Scout A
Veris Full-Data Energy Meter
GE Enhanced MicroVersaTrip

PG&E GreenButton Downloader¶

Module: smap.drivers.pge + smap.drivers.xslt.XMLDriver

Communications: Web scrape + XML

PG&E makes residential smartmeter data available, but difficult to download through their webpage. You can combine a mechanized download of the xml with an XSLT transform to create a sMAP source from your PG&E data.

ParameterDescriptionExample Value
UriSet to tell XML driver to use the loaderpython://smap.drivers.pge.update
XsltPath to XSLT stylesheet. Included with the sMAP distributionxslt/greenbutton.xsl
PeriodFrequency to poll at. PG&E data updates infrequently.86400
UsernamePG&E Login
PasswordPG&E Password
ToOptional; date to start download at1/1/2010
FromOptional; date to end download at12/31/2012
TypeOptional; type of data feed to use from the result“gas” or “electric”

Here’s a full example:


Weather Underground¶

Module : smap.drivers.wunderground.WunderGround

Communications: XML

Data: Current conditions for the station.

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
AddressWUnderground API URL
IDWUnderground station IDKCABERKE25
RatePolling frequency (seconds)60
PeriodPolling frequency (seconds)30

NOAA Weather Forecasts¶

Module : smap.drivers.noaaforecast.NOAAForecast

Communications: XML

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
latLatitude for forecast
lonLongitude for forecast

NWS Weather Forecasts¶

Module : smap.drivers.forecastTemp.ForecastTempDriver

Communications: XML

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
LatitudeLatitude for forecast
LongitudeLongitude for forecast
LocationNameLocation name

Vaisala WXT520¶

Module : smap.drivers.vaisala.VaisalaDriver

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Communications: SDI-12 (serial) over IP

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
AddressHostname of serial/io bridge

ISO Data¶


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Module : smap.drivers.pjm.PJMDriver


Module : smap.drivers.miso.MIsoDriver

Washington BPA¶

Module : smap.drivers.washingtonbpa.BPADriver


Module : smap.drivers.caiso.CaIsoDriver


Module : smap.drivers.caiso_price.CaIsoPrice

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
LocationLMP Node nameOAKLAND_1_N001

Other Drivers¶

HeatX Flow Meter¶

Module: smap.drivers.heatx.HeatX

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Communication: Modbus over TCP

Data: Description from the Central Station Steam Co. Cadillac HEATX BTU Meter

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
RatePolling rate (seconds)20

Omega iSeries Steam Gauge¶

Module: smap.drivers.iseries.IseriesSteam

Communication: Proprietary TCP

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
RatePolling rate (seconds)20

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Labjack UE9¶

Module: smap.drivers.labjack.LabjackDriver

Communicate: Labjack modbus. Requires updated Labjack firmware.

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
ConfModulePython module name with configuration

This module is configured through a python module you must write; here is an example (in a file named


Module: smap.drivers.readingdb.Driver

Data: Statistics from a readingdb database.

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ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
PortReadingDB database port4242

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